Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are you projecting the real you???

Epictetus said, "Know, first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly." Today's world is filled with mixed messages about who we are and should be as women. I think sometimes that we forget what an incredible creation master piece the woman is. I am of Christan Faith and as such believe that woman was the culmination of Gods work and once completed He said that the work was done. Ladies regardless of faith or back ground there is no denying the miracle that is woman, with her tenderness to nurture and care while being strong and thoughtful the curves of her body and the sweetness with in her eyes, she is a master piece. I say this because as I stated before we are constantly bombarded with mixed messages as to whom and what we should look like. Let us start at the beginning, Know Who You Are! How you choose to adorn yourself is direct reflection of your inner most thoughts and feelings of yourself. Now I am not meaning to take you on an existential journey into yourself and world in which you live but rather diagnose what our fashion says about us.

"But its comfortable." If I had a dollar for every time I have heard this phrase. I am a big believer that comfort is KING. Comfort does not equal sloppy. Unkempt ways such as wrinkles, stains, holes, smelly shoes, unkempt hair, no make up and worse of all sweats outside of the gym are all signs that we have given up. Neatness in our dress and appearance, whether and expensive lavish wardrobe or a modest humble wardrobe, conveys a feeling of sobriety and control in ones life. Sloppiness in dress and appears convey a feeling of inner chaos and turmoil. Know who you are!

"If I get rid of this I will not be me!" I usually hear this one as I am recommending that women shed the skin of their former selves to become the butterfly of tomorrow. Ladies, a piece of clothing my have been your signature piece in high school but that is not who you are today. In high school you knew nothing about life and love but, now you have experiences and wisdom that define you as supremely more interesting. Explore that lovely lady and dress her accordingly! the other word of wisdom is to be age appropriate in your dress and trends. When a we dress out of our age bracket we are saying that we are uncomfortable embrasing and accepting the age and experieance we have. I have seen this delema go both ways. Remember it is ok to look your age and still be Perfectly Beautiful.

Costume Trap! Ladies you may be a "wacky and wild woman" but if your cloths constantly look that way you may be victim of looking like a costume. Costume wardrobe says that you are trying to hide from who you really are. It can also convey a lack of sincerity or honesty because you are hiding behind your "costume". Are you wearing your cloths or are your cloths wearing you?

Examining "who you are" is not meant to morph you into anything you are not but rather an opportunity for you to consider who you are and who you want to project to the world.

For a complete closet analysis of your wardrobe and how to take it to the next level check out and how to contact me for a personal styling session.

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