The first thing is to realize Michelle is being professionally dressed to fit a "look", each of us has our own look and and signature style. I would classify Michelle Obamas signature style as a mixture of masculine/feminine with some "classic" touches in her exsessories. She wears basic colors, usually solids with classic simple shapes. I have heard it said on several occasions that she is the First Lady of Fashion. However, I don't think she is quite a Jackie yet. This may sound harsh but I thought she wearing a maternity dress at her husbands acceptance speech. The issue with the dress was the red. If it had been red all over with the black banding at the waist it would have been fine. However, the red on her stomach and hips drew attention to make them appear large.
Michelle Obama is a classic pear shape. This means that perportionally she is wider around her hips and bum then she is around her bust. This shape is beautiful and great but it has rules. Michelle Obama chooses to often pick a pencil skirt shape for dresses and skirts. The difficulty with pencil skirts is that they can often look boxy. This has happened to Michelle on a few occasions.
Pears look for tops that will help add volume to help balance the body to look more "hour glass" Look for skirts that have an A-Line shape like the one below.
Pears also look for necklines and details that draw the eye up to your face and away from you rear.
I am looking forward to seeing her fashion choice for the inauguration and looking forward to seeing if she will become a Jackie
2 comments on "Is She the First Lady of Fashion?"
Hey Sara!!! Great to see your blog!!! I love blogging much better than My Space. Send me your email address at talonkadyn(at)gmail(dot)com. Dave made me go private for now. At least until after we find out where he matches for residency in a couple of months. Hopefully I can go public again after that. I hate being private.
well, Michelle doesnt really strike me as someone who cares what she aught to be wearing... but i cant deny that i have been curious as to why she chose certain outfits at certain times...
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